A relative grading-based and ten-point Letter System is adopted by the University. Each letter grade indicates the level of performance in the course and grade point for the purpose of computing the SGPA and CGPA. Both the theory and practical papers are evaluated out of 100 marks each, in which 70% weightage is given to Term End Examinations and 30% weightage is given to the Internal Assessment.
The assignments are uploaded on the Learning Management System portal for the students to download. However, the student shall be given a choice of appearing in the quiz online or at the University Campus. The details of the same will be made available on the Chandigarh University Online website.
Term-End Examinations: - The University will conduct the term-end examinations in the months of June and December. Kindly check the Academic Calendar for the updated dates.
Term-End Examination Notification: - Details of the notification in this regard shall be made available on the University ODL website/announcement on Chandigarh University Online LMS/or through Chandigarh University Online website/University Campus Notice board.
University ID Card and E-Hall ticket: It is compulsory for the students to carry the University ID Card and E-Hall ticket (which will be sent online) of the relevant term-end examinations while appearing in the examination.
Term-End Exam Form: - Students must fill out the online examination form and pay the examination fee after meeting the eligibility criteria. The E-Hall ticket will be made available on the web portal for the students to download. The detailed instructions along with the date sheet will be notified on the web portal well in advance.
Re-Evaluation: - A student can apply for the re-evaluation of a course paper by filling out the online application and paying the requisite fee within the stipulated time set by the University from time to time. After the re-evaluation, if the marks increase by more than ten per cent (10%) of the total marks, then his/her Re-Evaluation fee shall be refunded.
Announcement of Term End Results: - The Term End Results will be announced on the Chandigarh University Online website. No separate intimation will be sent to students in this regard.