july 01, 2023

Essay Writing Competition - India's G20 Presidency

Name of Event G20 Summit- Essay Writing Competition
Mode of Event Online
Date of Event 5th April 2023 to 8th April, 2023
Number of Participants 283 (Male: 137 and Female: 146)
Mode of submission Pdf file to be submitted to activity.idol@cuidol.in
Language English/ Hindi
Numbers of Words 800 to 1000
Prizes CU Goodies
Results First Winner: Ishu Sharma (UID- D22BCA110495)
Second Winner: Indira Nagwanshi (UID- D21MBA14522)
Third Winner: Priya Kamboj (UID- D22MCM11043)

On the occasion of the G20 Summit, an essay writing competition was organised by the IDOL from 5th April 2023 to 8th April 2023. The competition was open for both OL and ODL learners. The theme was "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam," or "One Earth · One Family · One Future." It is drawn from the ancient Sanskrit text of the Maha Upanishad. Essentially, the theme affirms the value of all life – human, animal, plant, and microorganisms – and their interconnectedness on the planet Earth and in the wider universe. The main aim of the essay writing competition was to encourage learners to develop their writing skills, critical thinking, and research skills.

The competition was announced through flyers that were sent to learners' emails and floated over LMS. The essays were to be written in English and Hindi language and had to be submitted by 8th April 2023. The competition equipped learners with the opportunity to express their ideas, opinions, and perspectives on a given topic. It helped learners to develop their voices and build confidence.

The essay were high quality, and the judge found it challenging to choose the winners. After careful evaluation, the winners were announced. The first prize was awarded to Ishu Sharma- UID D22BCA110495, who received a CU Momento + Cu Bag. The second prize was awarded to Indira Nagwanshi UID- D21MBA14522, who received a CU T-shirt + cup.

The third prize was awarded to Priya Kamboj UID- D22MCM11043 received a CU Cap + Stationary. The online Prize distribution is to happen on Apr 29,2023 and the winners will be awarded by the Pro-Vice Chancellor Dr. Manpreet Singh Manna. He congratulated all the winners and demonstrated the importance of reading and writing.